Monday, 14 April 2014

Day 41.........

So, ladies.......we've come to the end of our 40 Days To Fabulousness
Tell us what you think......
Like anything that we do, there's always room for improvement, so we'd really like to know what you've liked, what you haven't like, what you'd like more of  and what you'd like to do now

We hope you've enjoyed it, we've loved reading your comments and hope you've got lots out of it too.

You know where we are, but here's a little reminder:

Style Me Confident - Gay Richardson and Kate Henwood
Buy Less,Wear More, 
Look and Feel Fabulous In Your Clothes Every Day

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Day 40 - Are you feeling FABULOUS???

So, 40 days in, how are you feeling?
Where are you now on that priority list???
Right at the top I hope, because that's where you deserve to be......
Has being fabulous become your new hobby? 

At Style Me Confident we say that styling is like a hobby - to get better at it you have to learn, take lessons, be shown how to do why not learn more about the styling that's perfect for you? After all, you've just spent 40 days learning how fabulous you are, now it's time to dress the outside to match the fabulousness that you've discovered within....

If you're ready to discover your outer fabulousness, click here........I promise you, it will change your did for me........

Day 38 - What's In The Box?

Or more precisely, what's in your wardrobe???

The chances are if you opened your wardrobe now, (unless you've already been "Gay'd") there will be clothes that are too big, too small, items worn once or not at all, things you wore for specific occasions (my wedding dress is in my wardrobe - I last wore it 18 years ago!), stuff that is definitely looking tired,an awful lot of "black" and a few items that you wear all the time......

Am I right????

Then your wardrobe is definitely in need of a "wardrobe workout".

As with any workout, we can take you wardrobe from bulging, tired and unfit (for purpose) to lean, full of energy and ready for anything ( and any occasion!)

And if you're debating whether your wardrobe needs a workout, if you just fill in our wardrobe workout chart and see how much money you are wasting by NOT buying clothes in the right colours and styles for YOU, it might help you to decide......

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Day 39 - Clothes Shopping - Love it or Loathe it?

26% of women hate shopping! especially clothes shopping. Are you one of them?


Because you don't know where to shop for you.....
Because the shops all have the same stuff.....
Because you can never find what you want, so you end up buying the same things in the same shops in the same colours.....
Because you don't know what styles and colours will take you from "ok" to "outstanding".....

Or is it all of the above???

So when you get an invite to a "do" - wedding, graduation, the races, a summer ball, posh work do - your heart sinks, knowing that you've got to go "dress shopping".
Well stress no more - your Fairy Frockmother is on hand to help you choose that perfect outfit (it doesn't have to be a dress!) for any occasion, be it posh do, workwear and especially your everyday wear.

Day 37 - What Colour Are You?

When I scrolled through my Facebook pages last night, I was amazed by how many times I was asked "what Wizard of Oz character are you?" or " what Muppet character are you?"  or similar.  

Well I've got one for you......."what body shape are you and what colours are perfect for you?". 

You won't find the answer on Buzzfeed, but you will if you come and see us at Style Me Confident and as you can with all the other quizzes, feel free to share the answers on Facebook!

P.S.  No matter what the answers are, you're FABULOUS!!!!!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Day 36 - Spring is here!

Wake up! Look outside! The sun is out and Spring has arrived.
Grab those fantastic colours out of your wardrobe and add a splash of colour to your day - be it pastels, brights or anything in between, today's a day for colour to be seen (poetry too today, you ARE lucky!)

For more ways to feel fabulous and to banish some of that black from YOUR wardrobe, spring over here.....

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Day 35 - Accessories are key......

While I'm away I'm reading a great book by Rachel Zoe, stylist to the Hollywood celebrities. Her opening chapter is all about accessories and how they can make or break an outfit.....
To learn for yourselves,why not come along to our Accessorise Amazingly style evenings in June.....
Style Evenings from Style Me Confident